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A safe workplace with zero harm is always Elkem’s first priority. We continuously work to protect our workers labour rights and promote a safe and secure working environment. Our responsibility is to be a professional and safe workplace for our more than 6.800 employees, our contractors and business partners. Our health and safety work are based on a zero-harm philosophy, where all our employees and contractors shall leave our plants and sites healthy and safe after each workday. Our EHS management system and performance can be found here.

Elkem’s highest priority is to create a safe and zero harm workplace. We work tirelessly in the whole organisation to make sure that all people leave our sites as healthy as they arrived, creating a safe and secure working environment. In addition, we continuously work to protect our workers’ labour and human rights and promote a harassment-free working environment. Elkem is committed to doing business according to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

Elkem does not accept any behaviour that conflicts with basic human rights including any form of harassment, discrimination, threatening or inappropriate behaviour. Respect for human rights is key to protect labour rights. At the core of labour rights are freedom of association, right to collective bargaining, and avoiding the use of forced or child labour. 

Our impact: Elkem must provide a secure and safe workday for all employees and contractors. We are aware and have experienced that working at our facilities may lead to health and safety risks. It is Elkem’s obligation to provide safe jobs and make sure that the employees have decent and liveable
wages and a flexible work-life balance situation. When a serious accident happens, a full investigation takes place to make sure that all causes are uncovered and that it will not happen again.

We strive to be an organisation that welcome diversity and equal opportunity for all. We do not tolerate any form of harassment, as stated in our Code of conduct that all our employees must sign. 

On site, contractors get HSE training aligned with what the employees of the company has. In addition, we influence the supply chain through our partnerships to make sure that our suppliers and customers also take up this responsibility. Our most important tool is the code of conduct for business partners.

Impacted by: As we grow and enter new and challenging markets, we see the need to take a more systematic approach to our human rights strategy. Elkem operates in several countries which are at risk of child labour and
forced labour. Elkem does not tolerate any use of children or forced labour in any of our operations or facilities. We expect the same from our suppliers and others we do business with. While Elkem as a company cannot resolve all such issues in isolation, we have a responsibility to identify human rights risks in our value chains and to mitigate them to the best of our ability.


SDG impact report 2021 and 2022 – SDG 8


目标 8.7:即刻采取有效措施,禁止和消除最恶劣形式的童工,消除强迫劳动,到 2025 年结束所有形式的童工,包括招募和使用娃娃兵

Reported incidents

No reported events of child and forced labour in Elkem

目标 8.8:保护劳工权利,为所有工人提供安全的工作环境

已报告的工伤 / 死亡事件


Injury rate

3.2, down from 3.7 in 2021


Human rights impact assessment conducted

Employees covered by collective bargaining agreements



目标 8.7:即刻采取有效措施,禁止和消除最恶劣形式的童工,消除强迫劳动,到 2025 年结束所有形式的童工,包括招募和使用娃娃兵

Reported incidents

No reported incidents of child labour or forced labour in Elkem

目标 8.8:保护劳工权利,为所有工人提供安全的工作环境

Reported injuries/fatalities

No high severity injury

Injury rate

3.7, up from 2.3 in 2020


Introduced human rights e-learning for all



